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The emergence of generative AI tools has increased aspirations for a long-sought goal in academia: providing personalized learning experiences for every student. When used properly, these tools help foster personalized learning by allowing individual students to move at their own pace and learn lessons in the ways that best work for them.

However, there are inevitable pitfalls around data privacy and the potential for students to become overly reliant on these technologies. How can institutional leaders support their faculty in experimenting with AI while avoiding these pitfalls?

Join The Chronicle on Wednesday, May 8th, at 2 p.m. ET for a free Virtual Forum dedicated to this topic.


Ian Wilhelm

Deputy Managing Editor
The Chronicle of Higher Education


Kyle Bowen

Deputy Chief Information Officer
Arizona State University

Zach Pardos

Associate Professor of Education
University of California at Berkeley

Ying Xu

Assistant Professor of Learning Sciences & Technology
University of Michigan
