
 While China and India continue to dominate international recruitment, many colleges are seeking out new regions where there is untapped interest in American higher education. What do colleges that want to find and understand these emerging markets need to know to get started? How can they best communicate with prospective students?

Join us on Tuesday, April 23, at 2 p.m. ET for Emerging Markets in Overseas Recruitment, a Virtual Forum featuring recruitment experts who will discuss where new opportunities exist and how to break into these regions. The session will also include time for attendees to ask questions about specific areas they are interested in.


Karin Fischer

Senior Writer
The Chronicle of Higher Education

April Crabtree

Vice Provost for Strategic Enrollment Management
University of San Francisco

Vern Granger

Director of Undergraduate Admissions
University of Connecticut

Ling Zhang

Executive Director of Graduate and International Recruitment
Central Michigan University
