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Researchers from different fields, including social sciences, engineering, and natural sciences, must work together to explore resilience and response to earthquakes, tsunamis, wildfires, and other earth hazards.

In the upcoming Virtual Forum, experts in related fields will discuss how universities have adapted interdisciplinary programs over the past decade to learn how to deal with natural disasters. Panelists will share insights from the response to COVID-19 and what remains to be improved.

Join Innovative Interdisciplinary Programs on March 20 at 2 p.m. ET to learn more.


Alex Kafka

Senior Editor
The Chronicle of Higher Education


Christopher S. Kim

Senior Associate Dean of Academic Programs and Faculty Development, Schmid College of Science and Technology
Chapman University

Jesse Anttila-Hughes

Associate Professor of Economics
University of San Francisco


Viviana Maggioni

Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Affairs, Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering
George Mason University

Amani Morrison

Assistant Professor of African American Literature and Culture, Department of English
Georgetown University

Mimi Sheller

Dean of the Global School
Worcester Polytechnic Institute

