While colleges can foster discourse and promote inclusion, polarizing topics can lead to conflict on campus. How can universities mitigate contention when controversial speakers or protests occur on campus?

The responses to the Israel-Hamas war over the past several months highlight this concern and the need for institutions to consider how they can de-escalate conflicts and bring students together.

In the upcoming Virtual Forum, Ian Wilhelm, deputy managing editor, will host a panel of national experts to discuss how to prepare for this unique challenge.

Join “Building Civil Campus Conversations” on March 5th at 2 p.m. ET.


Ian Wilhelm

Deputy Managing Editor
The Chronicle of Higher Education


Suzanne Nossel

Chief Executive Officer
PEN America


Michael Sorrell

Paul Quinn College


Najeeb Sayeed

El-Hibri Endowed Chair and Executive Director
Augsburg’ University’s Interfaith Institute


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Tuesday, March 5, 2024