
Without a doubt, the pandemic was a catalyst for rapid technological innovation and change across all areas of higher ed. But how has it specifically impacted student affairs teams?

Join The Chronicle for a Virtual Forum discussion on May 10 that brings together a group of academic leaders to learn how technology has become more integral to their work. Panelists will explore questions, including: 

  • How is technology changing the roles and responsibilities of students affairs administrators today?
  • With an ever-increasing amount of data being collected by institutions, how is this being used to revolutionize student support?
  • How can teams adjust to student expectations of 24/7 response times to address student needs and questions?


Ian Wilhelm

Assistant Managing Editor
The Chronicle of Higher Education


Reyna Anaya

Senior Student Affairs Officer, Dean of Student Success
Community College of Aurora

André L. Fortune

Vice President of Student Affairs
University of West Georgia

Kevin Kruger

NASPA - Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education


Event Registration

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Wednesday, May 10th, 2023