Studying abroad offers many opportunities for students to potentially learn another language, embrace another culture, and enhance their academic experience. While coordinating recruits from other countries with the use of agents can be useful due to their knowledge of the national market and local customs, it calls into question the vetting process and incentive agents may have when recruiting.

In the upcoming Virtual Forum, experts will examine the use of agents in international programs.

Register Now for “What’s the Right Use of International Recruitment Agents?” on Wednesday, January 25th at 2 p.m. ET.


Karin Fischer

Senior Writer
The Chronicle of Higher Education


Brett Berquist

Assistant Vice Chancellor for Engagement
University of Canterbury - New Zealand

Derrick Alex

President, American International Recruitment Council (AIRC)
Lead International Recruitment and Admissions, University of Houston

Ffiona Rees

Past-Chair of the Board, Deputy Director
National Association for College Admission Counseling, 
Undergraduate Admissions, University of California - Los Angeles

Eddie West

Assistant Dean for International Strategy & Programs
San Diego State University


Event Registration

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Wednesday, January 25, 2023