Our annual Trends Report analyzes emerging forces shaping higher ed. In an exclusive virtual event – for subscribers only – our journalists will highlight the essential issues for you to understand, and answer your questions.

This interactive session will share insights from the latest Trends Report, coming in mid-February. It will describe the key factors influencing student recruitment and retention, the classroom experience, and colleges’ financial health, along with other important developments.
Join us as we examine:
  • How innovative colleges are working to help students persist and succeed, despite stubborn barriers.
  • Why the imperative to “meet students where they are” has never been more complicated, and what that means for faculty members.
  • How new admissions practices aim to reduce the onus on students, and improve access.
  • The effects of fierce intrastate competition on college programs and finances.
  • What the new, interdisciplinary climate curriculum looks like.
  • Other trends detailed in our 2023 report.
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Alex Kafka
Alexander Kafka
Senior Editor, The Chronicle 

Alex Kafka
Alexander Kafka
Senior Editor, The Chronicle 


Lee Gardner
Senior Writer, The Chronicle of Higher Education

Eric Hoover
Senior Writer, The Chronicle of Higher Education

Adrienne Lu
Senior Reporter, The Chronicle of Higher Education

Katherine Mangan
Senior Writer, The Chronicle of Higher Education

BeckieSupiano [Online learning] .png
Beckie Supiano
Senior Writer, The Chronicle of Higher Education

Jennifer Ruark
Deputy Managing Editor, The Chronicle of Higher Education

Tuesday, March 23 |  2:00 p.m., ET

Bryan Alexander.png
Bryan Alexander
Futurist and Author of Academia Next: The Futures of Higher Education

Bonnie H. Ferri
Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Faculty Development, Co-chair of the Commission on Creating the Next in Education, Georgia Institute of Technology

IanWilhelm (2).png

Ian Wilhelm
Assistant Managing Editor, The Chronicle