The world of work is changing. Emerging technologies like AI and automation are transforming whole industries. Graduates need new skills to thrive. And the outbreak of Covid-19 has ushered in an era of remote operations. How can colleges ready their students to enter a workforce — and workplace — unlike any known in years past?

Join us for a virtual forum as Scott Carlson, a Chronicle senior writer, is joined by higher-ed leaders and experts as they examine the future of work and how colleges can prepare for it.

In this special 75-minute session, our panels will examine:

  • Preparing graduates for remote work and new types of jobs.

  • Digital literacy and the emerging skills employers are looking for now.

  • Aligning academic programs with career services.


Scott Carlson

Senior Writer,
The Chronicle of Higher Education

Sebastian Distefano

Global Director of Strategic Development,
Higher Education, Adobe

Ian Wilhelm

Assistant Managing Editor,
The Chronicle of Higher Education

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Ian Wilhelm and Sebastian Distefano

2:05  | Chronicle Interview
The Post-Pandemic Workplace
Scott Carlson interviews Jame Merisotis about the future of work and how colleges can design curricula that stay ahead of the curve.

2:30  | Adobe Presentation
The Graduate 2021: How Digital Literacy, Creativity, and Agility Prepare Students for Any Job Market
Todd Taylor, an Adobe Pedagogical Evangelist and the Eliason Distinguished Professor of English at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Valentina Arismendi, a senior at the university, will discuss how a student today readies herself for an uncertain market.

2:45 | Chronicle Panel
What Is the New Career Course?
Scott Carlson interviews Farouk Dey and Elaine Meyer-Lee about how colleges connect students’ passions with their education and eventually the careers that are needed in an economy shaken by a global pandemic.

3:10 | Final Notes
Closing Remarks
Ian Wilhelm and Sebastian Distefano


Valentina Arismendi

Senior majoring in Media and Journalism, attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Farouk Dey

Vice Provost for Integrated Learning
and Life Design,
Johns Hopkins University


Jamie Merisotis

President, Lumina Foundation, and
Author of Human Work in the Age of Smart Machines


Elaine Meyer-Lee

Goucher College


Todd Taylor

Adobe Pedagogical Evangelist and the Eliason Distinguished Professor of English,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Preparing for the Upended World of Work
