The Covid-19 crisis and its economic repercussions have many nonprofits rethinking how they operate and wondering how to emerge from months of crisis.

As we look ahead to 2022, how can nonprofit leaders find a path to financial health, including covering the costs of pandemic-era programs and services?

Join the Chronicle of Philanthropy on Wednesday, September 29, from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m., for a free live discussion in which we’ll explore:
  • Financial management practices that lead to success.
  • Examples of how groups weathered recent financial challenges.
  • Ways to rebuild and find strong financial footing.
Join us to get timely advice on how to set a course for a sustainable future.
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Preeta Nayak 
Partner and Head of
Leadership & Community Services
The Bridgespan Group

Shawn Wilson
Boys & Girls Clubs of
Southeastern Michigan

Stan Little
Chief Experience Officer
United Way Worldwide

Hosted By:
Stacy Palmer 
Chronicle of Philanthropy