Mid-level donors are often overlooked, but their steady flow of generous donations add up over time. Making up roughly one third of all revenue, their steady flow of generous gifts can make an enormous impact in an organization’s mission. And although they don’t often attract the attention of major gifts officers, these donors have the potential to one day become major donors. What can organizations do to make these donors feel valued and one day inspire them to make big gifts?

How to Build a Pipeline of Major Donors offers tips for fundraisers looking to cultivate mid-level donors and encourage loyalty. Read the article collection now to learn more about:

  • How Mid-level Donors Can Affect Lasting Change Mid-level donors have the power to provide nonprofits a steady and much-needed stream of dollars. What do fundraisers need to know about this population?
  • How to Inspire Mid-level Donors to Give More Mid-level donors often slip through the cracks. How can nonprofits create fundraising programs that specifically target this important, but often-forgotten group?
  • How Small Charities Can Build Mid-level Donor Programs An expert shares tried and true tips for cultivating donors who might not attract attention from a major gifts officer.
  • 4 Ways to Ask Major Donors for Big Gifts It’s never easy, but before asking for a big gift, it pays to be prepared.
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Mid-level donors are often overlooked, but their steady flow of generous donations add up over time. Making up roughly one third of all revenue, their steady flow of generous gifts can make an enormous impact in an organization’s mission. And although they don’t often attract the attention of major gifts officers, these donors have the potential to one day become major donors. What can organizations do to make these donors feel valued and one day inspire them to make big gifts?

How to Build a Pipeline of Major Donors offers tips for fundraisers looking to cultivate mid-level donors and encourage loyalty. Read the article collection now to learn more about:

  • How Mid-level Donors Can Affect Lasting Change Mid-level donors have the power to provide nonprofits a steady and much-needed stream of dollars. What do fundraisers need to know about this population?
  • How to Inspire Mid-level Donors to Give More Mid-level donors often slip through the cracks. How can nonprofits create fundraising programs that specifically target this important, but often-forgotten group?
  • How Small Charities Can Build Mid-level Donor Programs An expert shares tried and true tips for cultivating donors who might not attract attention from a major gifts officer.
  • 4 Ways to Ask Major Donors for Big Gifts It’s never easy, but before asking for a big gift, it pays to be prepared.
© The Chronicle of Philanthropy 2022