As higher ed faces more challenges, how can libraries play a greater role in student success and in other institutional goals? Today they are offering strategic value to a campus as hubs for student services, learning technologies, and academic innovation.
How can libraries — and librarians — continue to play their pivotal roles on campuses in the current environment, where enrollment and budget issues abound? Join us for a forum on Thursday, May 9, at 2 p.m. ET, featuring experts who will discuss the evolving role and strategic value of libraries, including:
How libraries create inclusive spaces
How libraries may transform in the decade ahead
How librarians can shape the ethical use of technologies such as AI
Scott Carlson
Senior Writer The Chronicle of Higher Education
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Melissa Blankstein
Researcher Ithaka S+R
Lisa Forrest
The Leland M. Park Director of the Davidson College Library Davidson College
David R. Moore II, FAIA
Architect, Principal, Higher Ed Practice Leader McMillan Pazdan Smith
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